Saturday, June 04, 2022

Small Rant....Ukraine/Russian war signals return to total warfare.

 Like everyone else I've been watching the Ukraine/Russia war and one thing has me a bit miffed.

This conflict is a return to total war for the uneducated.

That shit scares the fuck outta most.

The problem?

It's always been total war for those that "don't count". The Iraqis? They suffered total war.  Even with allied forces doing their best to NOT engage, hurt/kill civilians, the very nature of the war landed on the feet of the average man/woman/child non-combatant.

The same applied in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, the ongoing fight in Yemen/N. Africa, the various Middle Eastern Wars, Korea, Vietnam, etc...

What the elite don't realize (probably because they've worked so hard to "lawyerize" conflict) is that its just the way things are.

People look back at the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima with horror? IDIOTS!  The bombing of Dresden made that look like weak sauce!

Because the elite actually care about this war and has caused the sheeple to care too they're making a big deal of civilian causalities.

They cry about the number of people being killed (which is the only justifiable thing they're doing from my seat), but they put in policies that will see FAR MORE PEOPLE killed outside the warzone...and then they tell the masses that its part of the price for democracy.

Normally I'd be raging at the pure insanity of it all but on this one I can only watch in awe.

We don't live in a world of reality.  It's all fantasy now.

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