Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Swedish MP is stoking the fire with Turkey

Just plain wow.

I'm not saying to cave into Turkish demands but I am saying that NATO needs to move with caution on this issue.

Its not as simple as "switching Turkey with Finland and Sweden". That's a false choice in my opinion and I'm not sure the cost benefit is worth it.

If you add Finland and Sweden while losing Turkey I don't think that's a net win.  Quite frankly its probably a net loss.

Turkey is strategically important not only for Europe but also the Middle East.

They have a growing and impressive defense industry, a powerful military that is often overlooked and own important ground.

Again I have to wonder where is our State Dept to try and bring the sides together.  I also have to wonder what this MP is thinking.  Silence is sometimes the best option...especially if you hold a seat with a bit of power.

Side note.  I wonder why she is so anti-Turkey but has barely anything to say about Iran?  Does the Kurdish issue cloud everything?

Bonus.  Other news on the Turkey-Kurd conflict...I thought that this fight had simmered down.  Obviously something is brewing...

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