Friday, June 10, 2022

The Case for Force Design 2030 Panel Discussion_9June22


First things first!

Thank you Marine Corps for putting this out.  I won't name the person I follow on Twitter for insisting that we watch this but THANK YOU!

Next.  I have a few bullet points from this round table discussion but one thing stands out to me.

Force Design 2030....the Stand-In-Force Concept along with EABO is following the F-35 concurrency model!

It's crazy that after seeing that tremendous boondoggle the Commandant would PURPOSEFULLY develop a total remaking of the Marine Corps, not know its final desired form and attempt to back stop it with the "Campaign Of Learning" meme.

Having said this the vid is very informative, but still leaves a huge number of holes.

*  Kerg (Marine Corps Officer) is a true believer.  I really didn't get much from his part of the discussion.  Basically a regurgitation of what's already been said in support of the concept.  At no point do I recall him addressing any of the detractors points.
* Brown (Marine Corps Officer - Kurlak Center) seems to also be in the true follower camp.  He did however give us a view into the war games that are helping "design" this thing.  I feel like he had the most COMPELLING presentation.  It's at the 16:40 mark.
* Logistics is turning into a HUGE problem for this force and its deployment.  I don't know but I would bet that the spike in MV-22 crashes has a bit to do with attempting to model resupply at distance.  Its kinda obvious that robotic aircraft or boats will be needed to support this system.  Additionally it shows why the Marine Corps is pushing for the 31 big amphibs and why the Commandant keeps talking about "alternative" uses for the well decks.  They're gonna need those well decks for robotic boats to resupply those far flung Company Landing Teams (oh and yeah...that term is BACK!).

Watch the vid and let me know what you think.

Note.  No one has pointed out two people opposed to FD2030 is (1) General Mattis, who once served as the SecDef and is supposedly the driving force behind this monstrosity and (2)Krulak, the former Commandant of the Marine Corps and son of Brute Krulak also opposes this concept.

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