Thursday, June 09, 2022

USMC Discusses Land-Based Tomahawk Missile Launchers....NOTE! IT IS NOT LOW SIGNATURE!


That is NOT LOW SIGNATURE!  That thing is gonna be big as hell and attract every Chinese asset in the area to neutralize it.

The more I see the more convinced that the Marine Corps...the new Marine Corps is being used as a bullet sponge to protect ships.

It's the only thing that makes sense.  You're gonna deploy missiles from pockets of land that can destroy enemy ships?  If you're lucky enough to hit one or MAYBE two, you're gonna eat a metric shit ton of munitions.

The good thing for the Navy?  Its missiles that aren't flying toward a destroyer.

I am more convinced than ever that the Stand-In-Force/EABO concept is not about being a fighting force.  It's about being a tripwire force to take the punches while the fighting forces get their shit together to actually conduct the war.

Today's Marines are already being sized up for body bags but most are so busy doing shit that they don't even realize it.

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