Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Battalion Landing Team 2/5, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit conduct live fire on Camp Schwab, Okinawa

Note. Marine Infantry is still doing Marine Infantry shit but the mission is just so ... confusing that it defies understanding. Stand-In-Force? Going Marine Corps wide and not just the Pacific? How does a modern Defense Battalion concept apply worldwide? China is the pacing threat but its a big world! How does the SIF make sense anywhere else but the Pacific? Spare me the talk about "if it works against the Chinese it'll work eveywhere". Even worse. How do you message the Stand-In-Force to the Congress, to potential recruits and to the force? It might (I say that in jest) be the right concept but they MUST get the messaging on it together. Right now its just word salad and a concept that smacks of legacy building instead of warfighting. Everyone wants to be the next Ellis but no one knows how! 

Sidenote. Why are we calling them BLTs when they won't do BLT shit in the future?

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