Saturday, July 09, 2022

I knew SOCOM was in Somalia but didn't know they were building a freaking base!

This is about to go big. If it follows its usual pattern first SOCOM touches down and starts running missions. Then conventionals flow in to provide first base security and then perimeter security on missions. Then SOCOM goes big with it and suddenly you see Ranger Battalions, SEALs and Special Forces doing shit not only in the host nation (Somalia in this case) but also the region. Looks like the Wagner group is about to be countered. Another spot that could suddenly go hot. What's worrying for me is that Africa is BIG! USAF Special Ops better send any and every available CV-22 along with some long range UAVs to provide support. Reactions forces will take a minute to get to where they're needed if they do the distributed op/multi-raid ops that are all the rage.

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