Monday, July 11, 2022

Russian vets continue to state that their forces are not "fighting with full force". Is this psyops are do they have a point.

Very interesting.

This dude is basically giving a damage assessment (he even acknowledges as much).  Additionally while we've heard complaints about the M777 and not so much about the Caesar with huge praise heaped on HIMARS, he lists them all as being a concern.

Lastly he complains about the ineffectiveness of Russian air defenses.

Is this psyops?

Is it real?

I have no idea.  What I do know is that the Ukrainians out of the blue are talking about how they have a million men they're ready to push into the fight, other outlets (Russian leaning admittedly) are pushing the talking point that their offensive continues.

We're all rats in a maze.  No way to tell what the truth is anymore with this war.

I keep thinking about that video that the US Army Special Forces Psyops Bn put out talking about how they're puppet master pulling strings.

I fear we might all be dancing to a tune but can't hear the music.

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