Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The commander of the 28th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Colonel Vitaliy Guliayev has been killed in action....Where are we at with regard to this war

Rest In Peace.

Ya know what has amazed me more than anything else about this fight?

How callous people are with regard to the lives of the fighters (on both sides).

Putting that aside.  Where are we at right now?  From my chair we're headed into the pre-winter phase.  General Snow is coming. I'm betting that the Russians are marshaling their forces for a major push later this fall.

When its cold, snow is on the ground, trees are bare and its harder to hide your forces (thermals will be magic against the icy background) is when you'll see a huge push toward what I CONTINUE TO CONTEND IS THIER PRIMARY OBJECTIVE~~~~ODESSA!!!!

From the Ukrainian side I've heard (but still haven't seen evidence) of them making a counter offensive.  I think they're trying to stabilize the lines, continue to attack logistics hubs (they see it coming) and are trying to beg - borrow - plea for more weapons/cash and time.

Someone somewhere wanted to turn this into a grinding slog fest.  I've been wanting talks to end this thing (extremely funny that we could talk to the Soviet Union, we can talk to China - both want/wanted to wipe us off the face of the earth and can do it) but get accused of being soft or worse a Russian agent.

Winter is gonna crush Europe.  Inflation is beyond high, govts are doing goofy stuff and they're gonna be in a hurt locker.  Same in the US.

Public support for Ukraine will evaporate by Christmas when trees have only a couple of boxes underneath them and Turkey dinner at thanksgiving is replaced by a few happy meals from McDonalds.

Soon it will be the elites that want this fight.  Citizens will want there lives put back in order.

Its now or never for Ukraine.  They better seize the moment or they'll never get another chance.

Confidence is not high that they will.  They've been played. Ukraine will be no more.  It will be a broken place for decades to come.