Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Ukraine/Russia war has turned into a battle of logistics...or rather destroying the logistics capability of your opponent.


The frontlines be damned now.  You have troops on both sides living in the mud and muck, many of them miserable out of their minds but no one is looking at that anymore.

Everyone is focused on the deep strikes.

Just a decade ago those strikes would have been carried out by strike fighters. 



Its the same just a different tool being used.  The weird thing is that I can see a modified civilian storage management system being brought forward to deal with these issues (which will add just another failure point to the whole thing).

Just in time resupply.

No forward supply areas.  Dispersed supply points hundreds of miles behind the lines with a fleet of trucks and aircraft sent out "just in time" for fire missions to be conducted.

The amount of coordination involved will be massive.  Many fire missions probably will fail due to lack of ammo.

It'll take years for both sides to perfect it and God help the artillery commander that isn't able to conduct a mission if the unit he's supporting is in heavy contact....but that's how it'll be.

The worst thing?

The US/NATO is setting this up to be a 10 year conflict.  Ukraine's economy is on life support (thanks to my readers for pointing that out to me) and is being propped up by the US/EU.

Attrition warfare is a losing concept and will only bleed the Ukrainian forces and US taxpayer.

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