Thursday, July 21, 2022

Ukraine is seeing the propaganda war starting to turn...

I see miscalculations going on. This thing dragging out is NOT in Ukraine's best interest. Maintaining a fever pitch of support in Europe MIGHT be possible (doubt it, the economy will hammer them into submission) but in the US they've always had issues with the right wing in the US. The corruption story will not go away and considering the massive amount of money being sent their way just to prop up their economy, the American people just won't see the benefit in this fight.

What's worse?

Even if the fighting stopped RIGHT NOW, Ukraine would be an albatross around the neck of Europe for decades.  

I wonder if we're fighting over the future of a country or over a land mass at this point.

It looks from my chair that Ukraine is already a failed state with no chance of being rebuilt.  At best it will be parceled out with Poland perhaps taking over a portion of the land, Russia doing the same and perhaps a small remnant of the Ukrainian govt aligned with Poland occupying the rest.

I just don't see how continued fighting makes any sense.  Tell me where I'm wrong.  BUT DON'T HIT ME WITH MORAL reasons.  Warfare isn't about morality, its about interests/money/control and denial.

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