Tuesday, July 12, 2022

U.S. announces additional $1.7 billion in aid to Ukraine....we're not just funding the war, we're funding Ukraine's entire economy!

A reader made the statement and I noted it but kept moving, that the US wasn't just funding Ukraine's war effort but also their entire economy. He went on to talk about how they have no functioning industry, and have to fund public services, military etc. 

In other words Ukraine is now a failed state being propped up mainly by the US but also a bit by the EU (if the war stopped right now it would be decades of re-building and monitoring by the EU/US). But what happens when the American people start looking at the pain at home? What happens when the MSM can't play the rah-rah Ukraine mode anymore because people are looking at the money being sent overseas (ONCE AGAIN) instead of invested at much needed projects at home? What happens when the new inflation data comes out Weds?

This strategy is unsustainable.

Sadly the Ukrainians don't get it but I think I do.

We're not fighting to support the Ukrainian nation. It's already dead.

This is a fight for resources and location.

Natural resources and a port on the sea.  That's what this about.

If Zelensky was smart he'd step off the hawkish thing asap and try and save what he can of his country.  A few more months and this thing is over except for the powers that be picking over the scraps of his nation.

Quite honestly (and I don't know this...just sense it), he'll be lucky to make it out of this mess alive.  I'm catching the glint of long knives reaching for him.

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