Wednesday, July 13, 2022

What we haven't seen in the Ukraine/Russia war (or things that didn't work)

 Your notes may vary but I've noticed a couple of things, I'm sure you've noticed stuff I've missed and I think we should compare notes.

1.  Air Assaults are pretty much out.  After the raid on the airport that was over.

2.  Close air is gonna be carried out at distance if at all.  SU-25 have been flying as have attack helicopters but they've been lobbying missiles from distance.  I at least haven't seen gun runs. Even higher end aircraft are doing the thing from distance.

3.  Artillery is still king.  The artillery duels have been epic and missiles have been used to strike deep.

4.  Towed artillery is dead meat.  They're just too slow and can be countered rather easily.

5.  We have little visibility but the dreaded cyber attacks haven't been close to what I was expecting.  

6.  I don't know what is going on with the electronic warfare thing but its not as highlighted as I expected.

7.  Surface ships are vulnerable.  They're getting knocked down from distance.  A fight in the littorals?  Bullshit!  Navies will take the fight to blue water.  Up close and you're meat for too many systems.

8.  Drones are king or maybe not.  The Ukrainians are talking about their TB-2s being ineffective and how they don't need Predators.  They're good in passive environments only it would appear.

9.  No raids of any kind by any elite force.

10.  No airborne drops of any kind by any elite force.

11.  Combined arms -- the jury is still out with regard to modern warfare. Neither side has really employed the concept so we don't know if TRUE mechanized warfare could work.

12.  Fighting in cities is a sad joke.  The idea of planners actually wanting to engage in fights in mega cities was a batshit crazy idea.  In the small communities we've seen hellacious fights.  In Mariupol we saw a relatively small group of defenders hold out for a long time.  Once again.  Artillery is king.

Sure I missed some stuff but my back is tweaked to hell, I'm medicated and a little pissed so cut me slack.

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