Sunday, August 21, 2022

How far into our warstocks are we dipping into to supply Ukraine?

So what's the Pentagon play here? Get rid of everything not nailed down to force Congress to buy the latest and greatest? Sounds good but there is risk in that. It should be obvious to all that peer/near peer warfare gobbles up ammo/vehicles/men at an alarming rate.

If the predicted war with China arrives all they'll have to do is fight it different than how the Pentagon apparently is planning for.

Drag it out.

From the looks of things if the war is China is anything but sharp and SHORT then we'll simply run out of everything...with a limited ability (because of our industry) to resupply.

We've got alot of work to do before we're ready to tangle with China...or else we better hope Area 51 has some magical toys.

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