Wednesday, August 24, 2022

They're asking Veterans to help with the nation's recruiting woes? They're smoking crack!

 via Military Times

We need our veterans and military families to step up to help their country once again to prevent the national security crisis that would occur if our military were unable to fight and win when called upon. We need veterans’ assistance in issuing the call to serve and persuading more young people to answer. The situation is critical: The share of young adults who said they would consider military service currently stands at 9%, the lowest number since 2007, according to a Defense Department survey conducted in the fall of 2021.

Our veterans should be deeply engaged at all levels of the recruitment process, modeling how meaningful a life of service can be. They can help us broaden the pool just by showing up and demonstrating to potential enlistees that many people in the service are just like them: Our military is increasingly composed of minorities, women, and the children of immigrants. Veterans can also provide first-person accounts of how their time in the military enhanced their lives and served as a springboard to successful civilian lives.

Story here 

So let me get this shit straight.  They want vets that are seeing what's going on inside ALL the services, disagree with it and hate everything they're being told to suddenly shut up, get in line and tell a young person of worth to join THIS military and serve under THIS commander in chief?

They're smoking crack.

I've tried to talk young people OUT of joining the military!

If the services are screwed its because they did what alot of corporations have done...they went WOKE and now they're going BROKE(N).

Sucks to be them.  My recommendation.  Get your shit together then come back and ask later. 

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