Sunday, September 04, 2022

Every EU country is in energy hell....

The idea behind the sanctions was so stupid that at this point its comical!

The fact that many on this blog are...

1.  Still supporting the sanctions in their current form even though they are starting to see the fruits of the idiocy hit not only their citizens but also their corporations/energy sector is mind blowing.

2.  Still believe without any thought that the memes/propaganda/group think about this war is going to win it is laughable!  

3.  Still think that they can keep track of who is winning or losing this war by keeping a ledger of losses.  I personally find that a disgusting act.  Count the killed or injured, tanks lost, aircraft shot can't do a Rumsfeld to determine the calculus.  If you could then we would have won every war since WW2.  We haven't. The Pentagon and White House did the same (ledger/stats/etc..) in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Syria and now Ukraine.  If you're doing the accountant thing then we should have won every war easily.  We didn't.

Winter is coming!

Buckle up Europe.  You're gonna get skull fucked.

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