Thursday, September 08, 2022

I am open to future warfare. I want to know more about loitering munitions...a big item in the USMC's next budget...

 via Defense News.

It also tested organic precision fires — or loitering munitions — in a larger vehicle-mounted and a lighter infantry-operated form factor, hitting moving targets 89 kilometers (55 miles) away.

Deputy Commandant talking about the future USMC budget here 

Read the whole article.  To be blunt it didn't capture my attention much and quite honestly I thought it was alot of bullshit about a concept that I remain unsold on.

Stand In Force.

Recon/Counter Recon.

As concepts I believe they'll fade away soon enough and are probably being swept away by Chinese planners as we speak.  If not by them then by our so called allies in the region (like the Solomon islands that are pro-Chinese...we didn't know we were behind the eight ball till it was a done deal...I expect that is happening all over the Pacific...these countries aren't on our side, they'll wait to see who wins and deal with whoever that is!).

But hitting moving targets at 55 miles?  Without calling in Division Artillery?

Fucking awesome.

I want to know more about that and the plans for that capability. The Light Amphibious Warship?  Navy ain't buying on that.  35 of them?  The Marine Corps is smoking crack.  The Navy would rather buy more frigates and destroyers...the Marine Corps will have to do with the ships it has.

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