Sunday, September 11, 2022

Is the spike in crime part of a larger plan or just plain stupidity?

I personally think that the spike in crime is due to a few factors.

* The lockdowns pushed many mentally troubled people over the edge and they're acting out now that they're "re-socializing".

* The desire to express compassion to criminals resulted in extremely shortened sentences for some of the most dangerous people in our society.

* Despite all available evidence that these policies are NOT working, it seems that the powers that be continue to double down on them.

The worst thing?  The people that all this was supposed to help are the ones being most hurt by them.  I have yet to hear one politician from the left side of the isle speak out against them (wait ... the Mayor of New York made a feeble effort).

This is either a plan or stupidity.  Either way its troubling.

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