Friday, September 02, 2022

Putin Brings China and India to Russia for War Games Defying US

 Note.  This is a nightmare scenario from my most fevered dreams. If Russia can unite India and China into a cooperation block that covers military and economic affairs then we're screwed.  Remember too that we've been trying to woo India for awhile and they continue to play the middle ground.  Their participation in this exercise with China(who they've had hostilities with) is chilling.

via Bloomberg

Russia is holding major military exercises involving China and India as President Vladimir Putin pushes back against attempts by the US and its allies to isolate him over his invasion of Ukraine.

More than 50,000 troops and 5,000 pieces of military equipment, including more than 140 aircraft and 60 warships, are due to take part in the week-long Vostok-2022 war games that start Thursday in Russia’s far east, including naval drills in the Sea of Japan. 

The regular exercises bring together member states and partners of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization of former Soviet republics.

Story here 

Also remember that the US has been trying desperately to get India to go along with the sanctions against Russia.

India politely told us to "fuck off".

I don't know the history of the Brits in India but apparently they'll never trust the Western block...or rather they'll never play our game with us.

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