Saturday, September 03, 2022

Remember the blog post about a 20K ton Japanese Destroyer Arsenal Ship? NOT ONE PERSON noted the missiles its slated to carry...

 You guys let me down.  I was being lazy and since my posts get picked to pieces anyway I left it unaddressed.

I expected several people (with more knowledge about the subject than I have) to zoom in on the missiles the ship is slated to carry.


Well its time to refocus your attention.  This monster is slated to carry an extended range Type 12 Stealthy Attack Missile.  Via Wikipedia...

The MoD approved the development of an improved version of the Type 12 SSM on December 18, 2020 by the Cabinet. According to Japanese newspapers, the range will be extended from 200 km to 900 km, with a future target of 1,500 km. It will have a stealthy shape to reduce RCS, as well as high mobility to prevent interception from the enemy. It can attack not only naval vessels but also ground targets. The MoD intends to launch the improved Type 12 SSM not only from the ground, but also from naval vessels and aircraft.[8]

The Japanese are lowkey getting ready for the confrontation with China.

I would not be surprised if they already had nuclear bombs or have the capability to rapidly produce them if necessary. 

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