Friday, September 02, 2022

Russia gets hardcore with energy and the German left is about to take the high prices to the streets...

First we have this news. Quite honestly I expected this as soon as the sanctions were put in place but for some reason Putin didn't pull the trigger. His decisions with regard to this whole affair will make for some fascinating reading in the future. The West used its full economic strength against him. He did not return the favor. I'm guessing that he was expecting this to be a small blip and that after all the dust settled he would finally be welcomed by European nations (not to include the Eastern Europeans or the US). I think he's finally come around to the idea that their is a cabal of people that will only see Russians as enemies (I'll never understand that ... in my perfect world after the fall of the USSR we would have welcomed them into our sphere and geared up to fight China....imagine combining US and Russia tech...from space to defense we would be colonizing the moon and probably flying mach 5 regularly!).

Next up is the German left.  They ain't happy and they'll find many surprising allies I think!

Deny it all you want folks but winter is gonna be a dicey time for many European countries. Between this and add to it the action against farmers in the EU sphere...from Spain to the Netherlands and you have a brewing powder keg. 

I won't even touch on what's happening in the US. We have a President that is basically calling for a civil war. 

We truly live in interesting times. God help us and my our heirs learn from our current clusterfucks!

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