Friday, September 02, 2022

The Marine Corps better fix this shit! They can't serve as backdrops to ANY President giving a PURELY POLITICAL SPEECH!

 An explanation of why Marines served as a backdrop for this clown show is here.

The Marine Corps better fix this shit Ricky Tick Quick!  Having US Marines standing behind this President or ANY President delivering this type of speech should be a NON STARTER!

Let's be real here.

Me and many other Marines, former, retired, a vanishing few active don't agree with the woke policies Biden is pushing.

The fact that they've gotten so far so fast tells me that the Marine Corps is filled with people that do.

So be it.

But to be used in something this political should chill the spine of any thinking individual at HQ Marines.

The last thing the Marine Corps needs is for the public to believe that they've taken sides.

Personally I think they have but still...THEY SHOULD FIGHT THAT IMPRESSION!

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