Saturday, September 03, 2022

Ukraine needs German and US tanks, country’s PM says

 I've long complained about how Ukraine has gone from being appreciative (well they seem to bow at the feet of Poland but no one else) of the MASSIVE amounts of gear we've sent to demanding that we provide x, y and z.

That beat goes on.  Check this out via Yahoo.

Shmyhal is scheduled to meet German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin on Sep. 4, where the officials are expected to discuss how Ukraine’s security assistance needs are shifting towards heavy offensive weapons.

“We expect the United States to supply us with Abrams tanks, and Germany (to provide) Leopard-2 (main battle tanks or MTBs),” said Shmyhal.

“These are the kind of modern tanks Ukraine needs on the battlefield.”

Story here 

Its really weird.

They have been pushing propaganda so hard that now they believe it.

They can demand NOTHING.  They can however ask.  

The only thing I insist upon is that whoever is doing the assessment of what we will send, consider whether or not its in the USA's national interest, will it detract from our own defense, will it destabilize the region and do the Ukrainians have safeguards in place to make sure that it doesn't end up in a terror camp somewhere.

From my chair, no one in the Pentagon or State Dept can ensure that Ukrainians meet those simple preconditions so the answer is not only no but hell no.

Oh and if I was in charge I'd add that next time they ask, they better ASK and not fucking demand.

Our govt is sending Billions overseas like its candy and arguing about spending Millions at home.  Our leadership is fucked up.

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