Saturday, September 10, 2022

Ukraine - Russia War. Where are we now?

 Ukraine has launched its offensive and that makes sense. I've been wondering why the US has been giving them so much money lately...above and beyond simply resupplying their military, we're now subsidizing their govt.

So why now?

I think it all comes back to winter.

A few things are coming...

1.  The populations in Europe and the US will be enraged by high energy prices.  If you've been paying attention (at least in the US) you'll see that gas prices have come down.  Why?  Fewer people driving.

But the sick thing is that energy bills have been spiking!  I've experienced that myself!  But why?  Easy. You see gas prices everyday, you get that bill for your home energy bill just once a month.  

The average person rages for a few days and then daily life gets back in the way.  It's forgotten till (for far too many) money gets slim between paydays and when you go to the grocery store (high prices there too) you have to decide between your usual brand or a generic because of price.

2.  I think the allies are reaching their limit.  Limit as in weaponry they can contribute.  Remember this isn't wartime situation for the NATO countries.  They can retool but won't do it in such a way that wrecks budgets (except for Poland...those fuckers are damn near begging for a fight with Russia...they want it so bad they can taste it!).

A big push now or Ukraine will lose its support, not out of desire but out of ability.

The push to end the war in favorable terms for the Ukrainians is now.  If Russia can hang on till winter then Ukraine is doomed.

3.  Alot of talk about Russia buying weapons from N. Korea.  This shit is so simple I can't believe I have to explain it.  N. Korea is a middle man. China has started supply Russia.  Its covert.  Its deniable but it will be effective.

As far as buying drones from Iran?  Iranian drones have whacked the fuck outta US forces in Iraq and Syria.  They've made the Saudis shit the bed (in the hands of the Houthis they've been savaging Saudi installations).

Those are my thoughts on the situation.  What are yours?

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