Sunday, September 11, 2022

You people might not like it but many Americans are questioning the aid to Ukraine...

A corrupt country. Sending billions of dollars of weapons with no accountability. Supporting their govt with copious amounts of aid (that is somehow not getting reported...who the fuck do you think is paying salaries of soldiers and bureaucrats over there?) and no end in sight.

Let me ask my fellow Americans one thing.

Have you noticed that the most fevered supporters of continuing support for Ukraine are almost always Europeans (read the comments here and then check the IP addresses)?  Additionally have you noticed its always for the US to do more, not for THEM to do more?

Make no mistake clowns.

The closer the Ukrainians (and probably the Poles...they want this fight!) get to the Russian border the more easily this thing could spin out of control.

One malfunctioning rocket (or ordered to attack a target by a Commanding Officer that goes batshit crazy) that flies into Russia and somehow hits a target that is of importance and you could be looking at WW3.

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