Sunday, October 09, 2022

A suicide bomber took down the bridge in Crimea? We MUST talk about this!

 Been monitoring the conversation on what took out the bridge headed toward Crimea.

Tyler @Aviation Intel found video footage of a small boat, thought to be a vehicle borne IED passing close to the bridge right before the attack.

If you read the thread he walks it back and agrees that it was truck mounted device.

A suicide bomber?

The Ukrainians have suicide bombers?

That's rather chilling in my mind. Dying in combat is one thing but to .... "martyr" (I wonder if we imported this from all our years in the Middle East?) yourself in this fashion?

I thought that type of thing was outside the realm of what Western nations did.

This marks a major change (at least in my mind) of how warfare is conducted that even trumps the rise of the aerial drone.

It also expands on dealing with internal security.

The Oklahoma City bomber LEFT a truck parked outside his target and departed the area.  

Despicable act but he WANTED to live.

What happens when the war is over and these zealots start going after their own govts for perceived wrongs?

The Ukrainians are cheering but those tasked with internal security should be deep in the bottle.

We just got a brand new problem.

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