Thursday, October 13, 2022

Are you watching the Jan 6 hearing today? I never realized how scared shitless our Congressmen were!

 I'm watching the Jan 6 Committee hearings today and they're playing behind the scenes video of Nancy and the rest of the leadership calling for assistance.

These people were scared shitless!

I wonder if any of them are mentally capable of conducting this investigation because I'm absolutely positive that they're suffering from serious trauma from this event.

I mean seriously!  Nancy is visibly shaking.

All this leads back to what I've often talked about when it comes to our internal security.

A group of BASICALLY trained Marines, about squad size and if they were motivated to assault our congressional offices would succeed.

Move that skill set up to Marine Force Recon equivalent and it would probably be a blood bath with most of the assaulting force getting away without a scratch.

If we're talking about pure terrorism then a small group of terrorist's with bombs strapped to their chests could probably decapitate our govt or at the very least get a serious body count of our Congress critters.

We have been lucky.  If an enemy force ever decides to make a run at our govt officials then I'm not so certain that they would fail.

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