Tuesday, October 11, 2022

How quickly you forget. You weep for Kyiv? We are 100% savages when it comes to bringing pain..

NOTE!  This is not a defense of the bombing of Kyiv.  It is a call to be realistic about what war is.


You weep and cry for Kyiv? 

Did you weep and cry for Baghdad?  Of course not...but be ADVISED!!!

We are the motherfucking USA. We are 100% savages when it comes to bringing pain. 

We don't wait for daylight when you can see it coming. We come like a storm in the night and have you praying to see the next fucking sunrise!

That's how we roll whether from the air, land or at sea. 

Its obvious that most here don't know what war really is cause your tears and lust for this fight is insane.

Sorry but I can't get emotional about this thing.  I see two nations at war and think this ain't our fight.

But the truly stunning thing about this fight is that despite the loss of life, the damage that we're seeing it pales to what has been done in recent warfare and is miniscule compared to what came awhile ago...Drink this in.

Warfare has become weak compared to what it once was.

Russia is tiptoeing into "total war". 

Zelensky by his reaction to the attack is scared shitless.

Pentagon planners (and once the Marine Corps) acknowledged that the civilian population is the main driver for a war effort and that the mega-cities in foreign lands are the seats of power.

So what's my point?

The attacks on Kyiv while brutal and disturbing for many to see, they still pale in comparison to what I believe will come soon.


Winter is coming....

Things are gonna get dicey in Europe real soon...


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