Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Question. Would Russia go nuclear if the Ukrainians made a big push on Crimea?

 Heard on Fox News this morning that "there is a renewed energy from the Ukrainians and they talk about retaking Crimea".

The talking head pushed the idea of de-escalation but stated that no one is seriously pursuing it.

He ended by saying that the stage needs to be set for talks.

Ignore all that except the part about retaking Crimea.

Let's assume for a moment that all the war hawks infecting my blog get their dream.  Let's say that the Dills are actually able to push right up to Crimea and start a push to expel the Russians.

Would the Russians go nuclear?

My guess is that  they most certainly would.  A freaking nuclear war in the middle of Europe.  Wouldn't that be a mind fuck!

Anyway what do the hawks think? 

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