Monday, October 10, 2022

Russian cyber attacks on US transportation (airports)


I'm not alarmed, not surprised and definitely not outraged. I fully expected this much earlier (even the CIA/DIA/FBI expected as much). War is a two way range. You give outgoing you can't be surprised when you have incoming. We've been bolstering the Ukrainians for months and the Russians have done little to stop the flow. If it was opposite I would expect railways just inside the nation we were attacking to be eviscerated and microfragmented to hell.

My guess?

I think this has become personal and not professional for both Putin and Biden.

I think Putin will probably unleash some big attack near the election in a bid to raise anger against Biden.

I think some of our allies will get hit too.

Poland better get its cyber game up...I'm pretty sure they're on a target list.

What I wonder is how far will they go against Ukraine.  Refineries?  Pipelines?  Powerplants?  I expect all that and more to get hit.

Lets be real.

This is about the fight now.  I have been concerned about the aftermath but the powers that be don't seem to give a fuck.

Ukraine is probably broken beyond reasonable repair.

Europe will have a failed state at its center for several generations.

Zelensky is so stupid that he doesn't see the danger.  Unless this gets turned off soon, he will be the leader of a destroyed state and once the bullets stop flying he'll be quickly forgotten.

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