Friday, October 07, 2022

Thought of the day. This group of "think tank dudes", "general officers" and "foreign policy hawks" couldn't beat goat herders and you think this is gonna be clean & easy?

 The title says it all.

The think tank dudes, general officers and foreign policy hawks are all running this war in Ukraine using Zelensky as the face of this clown show.

Real question.

How many times did you hear someone in "authority" say that one more battle in shit hole ass village will be the turning point of the war?

How many times did you hear that "we just have to finish the job"?

The same people are telling you not to worry about this thing.  The same people that are telling you that they have something as unpredictable as combat under control are the same ones that fed us all bullshit for 20 years.

All I can do is put it on your plate.

If you decide to believe the same lies that have bandied about before that's on you.

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