Saturday, October 22, 2022

To Defend Ukraine, It Is Time to Strike Iran -


Now enter Iran, purveyor of the weapons that are currently the most utilized tools in Putin’s war crimes against civilians, cities, electric grids, hospitals, and public playgrounds. To replace Russia’s dwindling arsenal, Iran is supplying a variety of missiles and drones. One of the most effective is the Shahed-136 kamikaze drone used to attack civilian targets in Kyiv. Reporting suggests even Iranian drone instructors have joined the fight in the Kherson area. The use of these weapons on civilian targets for psychological warfare, perhaps even by Iranian artillerymen themselves in this new, internationalized war, makes Iran an accomplice in Russia’s war crimes.

One “necessary and proportional” response would logically aim directly at Russia, attacking the Russian units and other sources of drone strikes and other missile barrages. These, however, are hard to locate and destroy.

Another permissible defensive reaction would be to attack the source of the death-dealing weapons: the Iranian assets, facilities, and supply chains responsible for the production and provision of these war-crimes tools. Legitimate targets range from manufacturing plants and logistics supply bases to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps leadership responsible for the supply program. While the West’s go-to reprisal is economic sanctions – a measure also contemplated by R2P – that is an approach with a long timeline. It does not save Ukrainian lives today, and there comes a time when the policy response must be military.

Read the rest of this insanity here.

Dude really wants to start a world war!  Can you imagine?  Still getting reports of Poland sending forces to the border of Belarus, the 101st is in the news for deploying to Europe for the first time since WW2 and now this? 

These people really want that fight. 

I hope they realize what they're asking for.

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