Tuesday, November 29, 2022

By stating that we would come to the defense of Taiwan did we lose a chance to pause/limit China's power?



We removed any doubt that the Chinese might have had. With the Marine Corps and the rest of the US military clearly stating that China was the pacing threat and then Biden stating clearly that we would defend China did we lose a chance to pause/limit China's power?

To be more clear.

By our actions did we put our bases in the region on the target list and broadened a potential war into a regional one instead of simply limited to one island off the coast of China?

Does our STRATEGY automatically make this a regional war and does our basing concepts risk dragging other countries into the fight?

Did the actions of the Pentagon guarantee a fight?

I don't know.  I do know that we saw indications that this fight was coming as far back as 2014 in open media and it was probably known in the early 2000's.

My worry is that the average military enthusiast, citizen and probably even law maker doesn't realize just how disruptive and dangerous an open war between the US and China could be.

Additionally I think that strikes on the US and Chinese homeland could lead to unforeseen consequences that could forever change history in a terrible way.

I leave you with this.

What will the US public mood be if the Chinese were able to sink an aircraft carrier on the high seas with 5K Sailors lost?

What will the Chinese public mood be if the US were able to sink an aircraft carrier on the high seas with 5K Sailors lost.

I don't think people are properly considering the dangers of this thing.  If we're gonna do it (or if its preordained at this time) then we need to harden up quick, put back into place Civil Defense and drastically up military spending.

If it isn't preordained then we need to try and find an off ramp. Diplomacy can be your friend and save lives.

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