Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Hypothetical. If Republicans win the midterms and start pushing oversight on money/weapons sent to Ukraine, then will Europe step up to fill the void?

 via AXIOS

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said Thursday that Ukraine will not receive any more funding if Republicans retake control of Congress in the upcoming midterm elections, per the Hill.

Driving the news: "Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine," Greene said at a Trump rally in Iowa. "Our country comes first."

"The only border they care about is Ukraine, not America’s southern border," she said of Democrats. "They don’t care about our border or our people."

Greene is not the only Republican that feels this way.  Republican leadership has been vacillating between promising restrictions/tough oversight/cuts to keeping the aid flowing like water in the ocean. 

Let's assume that the current recession we're in (amazed that the news media and business is actually going along with the changed definition of two quarters of falling GDP) is actually acknowledged next and things get a bit rougher at home.

High energy prices continue.  High food prices continue.  Just a terrible economy.

With the Republicans in control, their base demands a focus on problems here in the United States.

If Congress ties the hands of the President, then how does Europe fill the void?

Could they fill the void?

Do they have the military industrial capability to supply Ukraine without US assistance?

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