Monday, November 07, 2022

If you want affirmation of your beliefs on the war in Ukraine then this ain't your blog.

 Sorry folks, but if you want affirmation of your beliefs on the war in Ukraine then this ain't the blog for you.

The West has flooded the zone with all kinds of propaganda and memes on this war.  I get it.  War is also a battle for the minds of the population.

I'm not interested in that.

I want to get a more balanced view of things.  Example.

I posted about the strikes on Ukrainian power infrastructure.  A few of the drones went off target and struck civilian buildings.

Readers (some) attempted to derail the conversation and talk only about the strikes on the apt buildings.

I refuse to play along with that.

Only later did Washington, London, NATO HQ and Kyiv admit that the Russians knocked out 40% of Ukraines power grid.

That's huge news.  Should be balanced news, but somehow even that important bit of info is being missed by many.

If you read Twitter (without venturing into the non-establishment parts) then you would think that Ukraine is a one way shooting range and that the Russians are being pushed out the country.

They're not and I personally DO NOT CARE!

All I want is the truth on a war that I BELIEVE we don't have a dog in the fight.

Fact.  The EU military alone should be able to handle the situation in Ukraine without US intervention.

Fact.  The war in Ukraine is a destabilizing factor for all of Europe and the madness needs to be shut off.

Fact.  The sanctions against Russia risk destabilizing other parts of the planet because they've been applied in a draconian fashion without concern about knock on effects.

Fact.  China is the threat.  Russia is not.

Long story short.

If you whine and cry because I'm trying to give you some info that might make you uncomfortable then go elsewhere.  

You control what you decide to read.  I'm not forcing anyone to come to this blog.

Lastly.  Do a little research on Ukraine from around 2000 forward. I think you'll be amazed and you will wonder how we can be pumping so much weaponry into that country with no oversight.

We are priming the next mega terror attack.

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