Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Russian Hybrid Warfare is working....Putin's Chef's statement now makes sense.

I would like to make a point. Rather a counterpoint.

I contend that a conventional war with China will chew thru so much equipment and people that we will rely on our existing warstock and even gear from our boneyards to keep us in the fight (as well as accelerated, truncated training of replacements) that to continue to supply Ukraine is actually NOT in our best interests.

But onto this post.

So many have bought into the Russian interference meme that few consider how Ludacris the claim actually is.

Americans are bombarded with all kinds of information from a WIDE VARIETY of sources.

From the far left to far right each individual can basically pick and choose what he/she consumes.

To think that an outside country can come into our political sphere and make a difference in a country as divided as we currently are is LAUGHABLE.

But what can they ACTUALLY DO?

They can form themselves into being a big bad with outsized capability to fuck with us.

That is what Russia is doing and the FBI, News Media and even average citizens are biting on.

My guess?

We've done more to fuck with other nation's elections with DIRECT CONSEQUENCES than anyone has ever done to fuck with our own.

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