Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Why do we continue to see delayed reactions by helicopter pilots when their aircraft are hit?

This is just a layman's view.

The view of a guy that's always rode in the back and never had comms on or manned a machine gun.  PURE passenger!

But one thing I've noticed at least from this fight on both sides (and a few times from stuff in Iraq), is that helicopter pilots seem to have a delayed reaction to their aircraft being hit.

Once again, this is a layman's view, but it would seem appropriate to land that thing as fast as possible so that everyone can live.

Fast jet pilots will punch out in seconds (yeah they have ejection seats but big jet pilots seek to get down as fast as possible too), so with a vehicle that can land vertically I don't get the delay.

Can anyone explain it?

It's got to be more than hubris and pilots thinking they can fix the problem or "ride it out".  I refuse to believe that's the reason so what is it?

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