Thursday, December 22, 2022

Remember at the start of the Biden Admin how everyone was clambering for a living wage for entry level workers?

This is the result.

When its cheaper to automate rather than pay govt mandated higher wages then that's what corporations will do.  Not taking a stand on whether its good or bad but its to be expected.

Add to it the fact that you run across some of the most disrespectful fucks on the planet flipping burgers and I find myself shedding few tears.

It is a shame that (I believe) this will catch on and it will eliminate a chance for high school and even some college kids to get a pretty easy (comparatively) gig and its the end of an era.

The worst thing?

This was all predictable.  The powers that be should have known that sloganeering isn't equal to policy and that while the intentions were good, the outcomes are pretty bad.

Lastly and this is the part that no one wants to talk about.

It contributed to inflation.

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