Sunday, December 11, 2022

The "Lightning Carrier" more effective than China's two super carriers? Commanders are still making huge bets on an "incomplete" F-35

via Yahoo
Because of that, the Tripoli's commanding officer refers to the configuration as an "assault carrier" rather than a lightning carrier, according to Thomas, whose command is responsible for US Navy operations in the western Pacific.

"One day you can have F-35Bs on the flight deck. The next day you can have MV-22s and you can be putting Marines at the shore, and so it just is a very versatile instrument," Thomas said of the lightning carrier.

The Navy is still experimenting with how to integrate the lightning carrier with "a full-size carrier" and its carrier strike group, which consists of a carrier, escort ships for defense and resupply, and at least one submarine. Thomas said the Navy had two of its nuclear-powered carriers operating with the Tripoli during the Valiant Shield exercise in June.

Thomas also said an amphibious assault ship, designated an LHA, in the lightning-carrier configuration was much more capable than China's two aircraft carriers in service.


 "I will note that LHA with 14 F-35Bs is much more capable than either of the PRC's current carriers, both from a sortie-creation perspective as well as just a sheer capability," Thomas said.

The F-35B Lightning II is the short-takeoff and vertical-landing variant of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, a fifth-generation fighter with advanced capabilities. The F-35B's array of sensors allow the STOVL jet to act as a battlefield hub, relaying information to friendly forces across a wide area.

"There is no comparison between a J-15 and an F-35B," Thomas said, referring to China's main carrier aircraft.

A lightning carrier also allows allies and partners "to see the capability you can bring with the F-35Bs on the flattop," Thomas said, pointing to the UK, which sent a carrier embarked with F-35Bs to the Pacific last year, and to Japan, which is converting two helicopter carriers to operate F-35Bs.


They keep reusing old talking points with regard to the F-35. "Its sensors make it more capable than its Chinese counterparts".

What are those sensors?

When the F-35 was under development AESA wasn't widely used. Now it is.  Even OLD fighters are being upgraded with the system.

GAN wasn't even imagined when the plane was being developed. Now its gaining widespread use and is rumored of being capable of detecting stealth aircraft.

Plus they haven't even started Block 4 Upgrades to make the plane capable of delivering on its promise of almost 20 years ago.

China is rapidly improving. 

I just don't see how the F-35 can be viewed (still viewed) as a game changer.

Besides.  The US is selling the F-35 all over.  When was the last time you saw the US selling its best tech to Bob, Joe Bob and Billy Bob?