Sunday, December 11, 2022

This is the perfect example for the battle for your mind happening in Ukraine...

Saw this post. Had a little time and was curious so I read all the replies. It was the usual "Glory to Ukraine" stuff. Remember, I had time so I was able to scroll thru. Then I saw this.
The moral of the story.

There is a battle for your mind going on.  You can bet that in addition to military aid, the US is providing the Ukrainians with social media aid to get the American people to support the extravagant spending that is happening to prop up that corrupt govt (if this was an African country all of you cheerleaders would be yelling that it ain't our business and we're spending too much least I'm consistent).

Additionally I had time.  Mostly I don't.  Life has me busy and this is just a part time activity.

So to my detractors?  Get over yourselves.  Do your own damn research.  Debate it among yourselves in those rooms where everyone agrees with ya.

But to blunt I'm tire of many of ya'lls bullshit.  

If you don't like it here then fucking leave.