Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Biden has no fucks to give which is doom on him...the ground is shifting....

Did you see that smirk? Biden has no fucks to give. Dumb move on his part. From my chair this thing ramped up when he stated that he wanted another term. Conspiracy theory I know but I'm guessing that the powers that be don't want that. So what did they do? They unleashed the MSM. He's still operating under the idea that they're on his side. I'm guessing they aren't. Its a win win. First the MSM gets a bit of its reputation back for people that don't pay attention and it looks like they attack Republican and Dems equally. The second and most important part is that they nick Biden up enough so that he doesn't go for a second term clearing the way for whoever they really want.

Biden doesn't realize it but he's a used condom.

He's been used and now its time to toss him away.

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