Sunday, January 01, 2023

Open Comment Post. 1 Jan 23 --- Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all.

A few predictions for the year...

1.  The war on Europe drags on and on....

2.  Ballistic Missile attacks against Ukraine intensify.  Calls for direct US involvement increase.

3.  Full fledged, undeniable recession hits the world economy. But the worst of it isn't the wage crushing inflation, its the fear of stagflation globally that keeps policy makers up at night.

4.  Pop up wars spring up globally.  The fight for resources is on. From energy to water to food to stopping mass migration the fight is on.

5.  Migration reaches critical mass in the Western world.  Citizens break with their leadership on the toil of accepting people from the 3rd world into their countries.  A true backlash begins.

6.  It is found that the US has been launching cyber attacks against Russian infrastructure.  The Russians respond in kind with assistance from the N. Koreans, Iranians and on the periphery Chinese.  Power outages increase across the US.

7.  Crime explodes to unimagined proportions in the US.  Citizens arm themselves and start taking matters into their own hands. DA's are forced to sentence properly but the genie is out of the bottle.  The Wild Wild West returns with average people open carrying --- even in anti-gun states.

8.  The debt bomb finally catches up with the US.  Social programs are savagely cut.  

9.  Unrest overseas forces the pentagon to alter its forward presence mantra and the Rapid Deployment Force is reborn (with a new name).

That's just off the top...what you guys got.

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