Monday, January 16, 2023

Ukraine keeps pushing for more weapons....

Have you noticed the trend?

When Ukraine starts getting pressed on the battlefield they beg for more weapons, more money, and more everything.

The allies respond but if it isn't damn near instantaneous they bitch and whine louder.

We're sending Bradley IFVs, the French are sending AMX-10s and others continue to send other types of armor, gear and money.

Still its not enough.

Not once have we seen a push or talking points that their tactics need to evolve and improve.

Just more stuff.

Ukraine has been allowed to believe the hype that has built up around this fight and now they think that they're the center of the universe.

If other enemies are paying attention we're rapidly approaching the point of having no slack left for fights in other places.  I have yet to hear that industry is ramping up to fill the need to both supply Ukraine and rebuild our war stocks.

We've reached the point where we're assuming unreasonable risk.

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