Saturday, January 14, 2023

US Army Vet From Iowa Rats Out Ukrainian Corruption via GATEWAY Pundit

 Thanks to Moebius2249 for the link!

via GWP

Meet Ryan O’Leary. He currently is in the Bakhmut area of operations fighting under the command of Ukrainian officers. Mr. O’Leary is not happy. He is a 34 year old alumni of Carroll High School in Iowa and a National Guard veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq,

He reports that his unit is undermanned and lacking in heavy weapons because “they’ve gone missing.” In other words, the weapons are being sold on the black market. O’Leary blames the logistics problems on the corrupt, criminal behavior of his Ukrainian chain of command — from the Major General to his Captain. He specifically calls out a Captain Baroda, noting that Baroda traffics in a host of illegal narcotics. Read the following series of tweets. They are self-explanatory:


This has been my concern all along.  UKRAINE IS CORRUPT!

The idea that we would pump so much sophisticated gear into that country without proper oversight is batshit stupid.

No doubt the Pentagon and White House is aware of the problem but instead of being transparent about the issue they hide it and continue the mindless propaganda.

My only concern is O'Leary.

Don't know if he's still in the combat zone or if he's made it home but he's gonna die and probably die nasty.

A weird single vehicle car accident at home or a concocted missile strike by the Russians but one thing is clear.

He won't be allowed to testify in front of Congress.

The swamp creatures/globalist/Ukraine zealots won't allow the money train to even slow so this bubba HAS TO DIE.

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