Saturday, February 25, 2023

I don't know if this is normalizing obesity or what, but this lady needs medical help...


This is one of those rare posts where I'm not trying to slam anyone...especially this lady. But we've got a serious problem in this country with obesity. When I'm in better shape than many 20 year olds that's a SERIOUS PROBLEM! The medical issues that obesity leads to is severe. If anyone remembers the covid travesty we went thru then you know that being obese was a major factor in whether or not you'd be hospitalized or worse.

Forget guns.

Forget drinking.

Obesity has GOT to be one of the leading (if not leading) health issues facing this country and its got to be a reason why our medical costs are so out of control.

One last thing.

I'm glad she likes herself, but liking yourself should also include seeking to improve yourself.

For her sake I hope she seeks to improve herself and get medical treatment.