Sunday, February 12, 2023

...Peace Is Too Important to Be Left to the Generals. MUST READ!


The recent disturbing trend toward allowing military flag officers to make decisions with strategic and foreign policy consequences devoid of civilian oversight was highlighted by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley's infamous calls to his Chinese counterpart in which he assured the leader of a foreign military with strategic nuclear weapons capable of reaching the United States that we would not attack. He also reportedly told joint force commanders not to obey orders from the president without checking with him first. That goes beyond the type of insubordination that got Gen. Douglas MacArthur fired during the Korean War.

Milley is not a commander. As chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he is merely the military adviser to the civilian chain of command. Before his first call, he apparently notified the then-secretary of defense of what he was going to do rather than ask permission. In the second instance, he acted unilaterally. This constituted a very dangerous precedent.


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