Friday, February 17, 2023

“You are now carrying eight net-enabled AIM-9X counter-cruise missile weapons on AH-1s that are forward deployed,” Marvel said.

 I don't even know what to make of this article.  Check it out here.

Aviation guys are gonna have to help me out but wouldn't firing an AIM-120 from a Cobra GREATLY limit its range?  Next question WHAT ARE THE TARGETS that you would fire an AIM-120 at...why not have your forward deployed F-35B do that shit?

Finally we get to the more realistic(?) talk about carrying eight AIM-9s.  Is that just bluster or is it even possible?

So now we're getting the Marines fighting ships, fighting subs, firing anti-air missiles from helicopters, conducting recon/counter recon for the joint force and doing everything BUT what Marines have won their fame doing.

The future sucks ass.

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