Wednesday, March 29, 2023

De-Dollarization Just Got Real

 Thanks to Cogitans Iuvenis  for the link!

via Rubino

African leaders travel to Moscow. Representatives of 40 African nations traveled to Rissia for the Second International Parliamentary Conference “Russia – Africa in a Multipolar World.” According to the press release, the attendees:


 Brazil and Argentina announce a common currency. In February, the two dominant Latin American economies announced plans for a common currency called the “sur” for use in bilateral trade. South America is a big, resource-rich place with numerous grudges against its intrusive northern neighbor. So a de-dollarization movement there, while not as immediately consequential as what’s happening in the Middle East or Asia, is both plausible and potentially serious for the dollar.

Both of the events highlighted above should be of immediate concern to the US.  Add everything covered in the article and Congress, the American people and the idiots in the White House should be extremely concerned.

Story here 

Note.  Why the focus on economics on a military blog?  Because war is politics was once the famous phrase.  In the modern era it should be war is politics & economics.

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