Thursday, April 06, 2023

About Assange & Snowden...

 Someone in the open comment posts I do here commented and stated that Assange was just another common criminal.

I take issue with that.

Don't get me wrong.  They did reveal state secrets.  

But the US Govt has a habit of over classifying everything and what they revealed weren't exactly secrets in the military sense of the word but more like embarrassing incidents that would have the average citizen questioning what the govt was doing.

Another thing.

Not once did the US Govt deny any of the allegations made.  Not once.

They did run with the revealing state secrets charge HARD though and the MSM did their part and focused a fickle public on that ONE issue and not what was revealed.

To paraphrase Malcolm X.  If you're not careful they'll have you loving people you should hate and hating people you should love.

I don't know if Assange & Snowden rise to the level of being loved but persecuted the way they have been?

I just don't know about that.

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