Saturday, April 29, 2023

And so it begins. Denmark will allocate 1 billion euros for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Make no doubt about it. This is a planned release.

This is probably coordinated with the allies to get the public primed for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

But understand this one thing.

1 billion euros is chump change.  Reconstruction?  That won't even cover the operating expenses of the govt.

The war has been hellishly expensive.  The reconstruction will make it look cheap.  Plus its gonna be a generational expense.

Let me get ahead of this thing and make my position clear.

We have issues at home.  

Let Europe deal with the reconstruction.

The sad thing?  Puppet masters have had people dancing to their tune.  They'll easily get the public to spend even more of their tax dollars to support Ukraine without realizing the tremendous burden they're placing on themselves and their children.

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