Saturday, April 08, 2023

Are you seeing this shit around Taiwan?

 Are you seeing this shit around Taiwan?

Know your enemy and make note of his capabilities.

China just surged 71 warships, numerous merchant ships and their Coast Guard along with aircraft and untold number of ground based mobile missile systems (with the range to hit Taiwan) super quick.

Drink that in.

We have just under 300 warships in our Navy.

China just surged 71 of theirs in short order.  Could we surge almost 1/3rd of our warships as fast?

Additionally we have no idea of the number of subs either.  We don't know the number of other important combat vehicles/aircraft/ships (or combat capable) that are floating out there either.

The DoD, Congress and others are talking about war with China without taking a serious look at our own forces.


You can push the woke agenda all day.  You can beat the drum that tech will win out over steely resolve and the ability to close with and destroy the enemy but I don't buy it.

We better get hard.

With all the shit talking I'm hearing we better get hard quick!

Let's not fool ourselves.  The US President, the US Congress, the US Dept Of Defense, US State Dept, each and every military service, and the American people are not ready for the fight so many are asking for.

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